Gary Velasco painted XF-120 nose art panel. From Michael Clemente
collection. |
Back in the late 1950s, Martin Aircraft Co. prepared wonderful
promotional booklets that were designed especially for the young
aviation enthusiast. The belowshow the covers from the 1958 booklet
and the pages inside for the XB-51.
Image 2,
Image 3
Credit: Hank Caruso
Old Photo
Martin Star Magazine Cover October 1949 Credit: Hank Caruso
Pete Everest Credit: Tony Landis
Cover Story From Flying Magazine, Feb. 1951
Changing the Face of Space and Time From Air Force Magazine, May 1952 |
Blasting Beauty From Air Force Magazine, May 1952
Flying Credit: Stan Piet via Terry McElheran
On the Ramp at Martin Credit: Stan Piet via Terry McElheran
Ramp Credit: Stan Piet via Terry McElheran
Dayglo Orange Markings
Credit: Doug Nelson, AFFTC Museum
Silver Markings
Credit: Tony Landis
Dayglo Paint Scheme
Credit: Tony Landis